Kazue Kiyono
New York Pops Orchestraの専属シンガーとして、アシュリー・ブラウン(「メリーポピンズ」ブロードウェイオリジナル主演)、ローラ・ミッシェル・ケリー(「ファインディング・ネバーランド」ブロードウェイオリジナルヒロイン)、マックス・ヴォン・エッセン(「パリのアメリカ人」「アナスタシア」ブロードウェイオリジナル準主役)などと共演。
2019年、Feinstein’s 54 Belowでコンサートデビュー。
「Broadway Night」にて、ブロードウェイ「ハミルトン」主演のオースティン・スコットと共演。
リバーサイドシアター「La Boheme」にてオフブロードウェイデビュー。同劇場の「New Year’s Eve Gala」に出演。
アメリカの長寿番組「Live with Kelly and Ryan」に出演し、映画俳優アシュトン・カッチャーやアメリカンバレエシアター、ニューヨークシティバレエプリンシパルらと共演。
2021年、渡辺謙主演「王様と私」など数多くのリンカーンセンター公演にて音楽監督を務めるテッド・スパーリングプロデュースのボーカルグループ「Master Voices」に加入。
リンカーンセンターにて行われたMusic International Grand Prixにてセミファイナル進出。 ポピュラーアダルト部門4位。
リン・マニュエル・ミランダ演出の「In The Heights」オリジナルキャストであるDoreen Montalvoを記念したDoreen MontalvoScholarshipにて2023年アジア人唯一のファイナリストに残る。
東京スクールオブミュージック、全国の系列5校舎での「ブロードウェイセミナー」特別授業や読売演劇大賞受賞演出家 鈴木裕美の「演劇のことを話す時間」ワークショップで講師を務める。
婦人画報社「25ans」や講談社「with」、アメリカ最大ウェディング誌「Manhattan Bride」に掲載。
While in high school, Kazue made her debut as a professional musical actress in the Horipro musical "Hallelujah!.
Graduated from Waseda University, one of the top universities in Japan, with a degree in modern psychology.
She then studied Jazz Vocal and Musical at The New School for the Performing Arts in New York City.
She graduated with Jazz Scholarship.
Performed at Carnegie Hall in concert with Hungarian pianist HAVASI and the symphony orchestra.
Since then, she has appeared five times at the same hall.
As a regular singer with the New York Pops Orchestra, she has performed with Ashley Brown (original Broadway lead in "Mary Poppins"), Laura Michelle Kelly (original Broadway heroine in "Finding Neverland"), Max Von Essen (original Broadway lead in "An American in Paris", "Anastasia"), and others.
In 2019, she makes her concert debut in Feinstein's 54 Below.
Performed in "Broadway Night" with Austin Scott (star of Broadway's "Hamilton").
Off-Broadway debut in "La Boheme" at Riverside Theatre, and appeared in "New Year's Eve Gala" at the same theatre.
She appeared on the long-running American television show "Live with Kelly and Ryan" with film actor Ashton Kutcher and principals from American Ballet Theatre and New York City Ballet.
In 2020, she made her concert debut at the long-established jazz club Birdland.
In 2021, she joined Master Voices, a vocal group produced by Ted Sperling, who has served as musical director for numerous Lincoln Center productions, including "The King and I".
In 2022, she made her debut at Radio City Music Hall, the site of the Tony Awards ceremony, in a concert with the Joe Hisaishi Symphonic Orchestra, where she performed two solo songs.
She was a semi-finalist in the Music International Grand Prix at Lincoln Center. Placed 4th in the Popular Adult category.
She was the only Asian finalist in the Doreen Montalvo Scholarship in honor of Doreen Montalvo, an original cast member of "In The Heights" directed by Lin-Manuel Miranda.
Served as a professor and lecturer at "Broadway Seminar" at the Tokyo School of Music and five affiliated schools nationwide as well as at Yomiuri Theater Award-winning director Yumi Suzuki's "Time to Talk about Theater" workshop.
She was featured in Fujingaho's "25ans", Kodansha's "with", and America's largest wedding magazine "Manhattan Bride".